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Archive for the ‘ Mind ’ Category



March 11th, 2013

Love of one’s self really is a foundational piece to success and happiness. When we love our self: we are comfortable in our body, we are authentic, we are heart centered and we accept our self just the way we are (at least most of the time).  Self-love is attractive and attracts people and situations and solutions to you. Self-love magnifies our good qualities. Self- love increases our value and worth. Self-love harmonizes people and situations. Self-love heals separation. When we love our self we can more fully express love, life and joy. Self-love is based in compassion and acceptance. If... Read More

Am I a Grown Up and What Do I Want to do When I am a Grown Up?

May 2nd, 2011

I don’t know if we ever grow up. We often feel a different age than our biological age.  It’s good to feel younger than your biological age, for the most part. This question, ‘What do I want to do when I grow up?’  can come up at different times in your life. It often comes up at life transitions– when you graduate from high school, or graduate from college, birth of children, loss of a job,a divorce, change in the economy,a  midlife crisis or other transitions.  These transitions are all opportunities to ask yourself the question, ‘What do I want to do... Read More

Cure For Boredom, What Can I Do? Part One

May 1st, 2011

The best cure for boredom is to get interested in yourself, your life, your surrounding, and anything and everything.  Be curious, ask questions, look for possible answers, try new things to see if you like them.  One cure for boredom is to remember what you liked to do as a child or a teenager, that you really liked doing, then go and do it now.  See if that lights you up at all, excites you. If you are feeling bored because you feel lonely, then start engaging with others more. Here some ideas to engage with others: 1. Talk to people at work.  Find out what they’re doing, what they... Read More

My Life is Average. Is There a Reward For This?

April 24th, 2011

My life is average.  Is there a reward for this?  Yes.  The reward for my life is average is: Good job!  Well done!  Something is working for you  in your life.  So…  everything is not perfect. Nothing is permanently perfect. So… you’re not perfect.  No one is.  To say that my life is average says to me that you have a good foundation built.  You have income from your job and/or you have friends and family.  It says to me, also, that you want more.  Great! What do you want more of? More money? More satisfaction? More of a social life? More freedom? A better career? A... Read More

Who Am I and Who Cares?

April 22nd, 2011

Who am I is a question  and a process of revealing layers of our self .  It’s a process of revealing our self to our self.  The person who should care the most is our self.  We don’t really need to worry about what others think or care about us.  Who I am keeps evolving and changing, we keep evolving and changing.  Who I am is an act of self inquiry of inner listening to our truths and also self observation.  We can stand back and watch how we act and also notice how we feel.  If we observe more, we can learn a lot about our self. There are some ways to answer the question... Read More

My Life is Good, is Yours?

April 14th, 2011

Having the attitude of  ”  My life is  good ” is  a matter of perspective.  It’s an attitude of my life is good and I am happy. I know that  life has its ups and downs. How we handle them is what  makes the difference.  You always have a choice: Do I focus on the negative ? or Do I focus on the good? The negative view is usually what’s happening in the moment or a small narrow focus.  Or we focus on the good, a larger focus. If you review your life from a higher perspective, you might notice  that everything works out, eventually. It may not work out the way you... Read More

I Hate My Life?

April 10th, 2011

I hate my life can be a momentary experience or a longer stuck feeling.  It’s a feeling of rejection of self,  a feeling of limitation.  You do not like what’s happening in the moment, or you are focusing on everything you don’t like in the moment. I hate my life is a feeling of powerlessness.  You are in a place of a victim-hood. If you hate your life, the truth is the only person that can change your life, is you.  This is not meant as a judgment, I see this as a point of choice for  your “unstuck-ness” .  It may feel like nothing is changing, but if you... Read More

Who Am I Really?

March 25th, 2011

Who am I? This is a question we must all answer. The answer is not our roles.  Who we is more than- I’m a mother;  I’m a father;  I’m a brother;  I’m a sister;  I’m a grandparent;  I am secretary;  I am a vice president,etc. — these are just hats we wear; these are just roles you have. So , Who am I ? You are more than a  drop. You are part of something greater. So, to answer this question you have to go deeper, dig down, deep down into who you really are. So I ask you, who or what remembers your dreams? Who answers our questions inside of our heart... Read More

My life is average, is yours?

March 21st, 2011

Do you ever think, “My life is average?” Do you feel your life is boring and feel stuck in the “boring-ness” of it all? Do you feel you are just part of the pack? To tell you the truth, there are some areas of my life that are average, and I’m okay with that. My car is average (and I can rely on it). My height is average. My eyes are average. So where are you average? Is it every area of your life? I would say probably not. So where do you not want to be average? Would you like a more interesting life, more money, more joy, more passion? Where would you like to be... Read More

What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up: How Can I Experience That My Life Is Good?

March 7th, 2011

I know that this life is confusing!  All the choices we have seem impossible and overwhelming. Everywhere you turn, seems to have a hundred more choices. So, “How can I experience that my life is good?” What I want to share with you today is the belief and understanding and conviction that there is a good for you and you ought to have it!! Yes, That is right! This is from the teachings of Emma Curtis Hopkins.  She shared  this teaching over a century ago. And now,  I want to start sharing it with you-  that there is a good for you, and you ought to have it So, what is your good?... Read More