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Monthly Archives: January 2011


What is Codependency?

January 29th, 2011

Dear One, What is codependency?  Well…It can have different descriptions. Do you ever feel that you get lost in a crowd? When someone asks you what you think, you don’t know what you think? Do you easily pick up other people’s feelings and not know what you feel? Are you a really good listener but no one asks you what you think? Do  you always offer to help and  have difficulty accepting help from others? These are some signs of codependency. One simple technique to help create boundaries for yourself: 1. Imagine a bubble around yourself. 2. This bubble lets what you do want... Read More

What Do I Want To BE When I Grow UP?

January 29th, 2011

Dear One, It can be frustrating not knowing what you want to be when you grow up when so many people seem to know what they want to be. The truth is we often have 5 or more different careers in a lifetime. We get to re-invent ourselves and start fresh with who we want to be when we grow up.Dont give up on yourself.  Who you are meant to be will present itself. So in the meantime, Take the 21 day “I Am a Gift to the World” Challenge and start seeing just how important you really are. Love and blessings, Laura Meehan  Read More

Do I Have Anxiety Symptoms?

January 28th, 2011

Hello Dear One, Have you ever asked yourself, ” Do I have anxiety symptoms?” Anxiety is common in the United States. We are over- stimulated all the time. The are lots of choices and lots technology and lots of responsibilities with not enough time to do them all. Here are some symptoms for anxiety: 1.Worry thoughts all the time. 2. You tend think the worst will happen. 3.It is hard to relax. You muscles are tight. 4. You have a lot of fears and they seem to be controlling your life. You may be afraid of making a mistake or looking foolish, being in social situations, of losing control,... Read More

How Can I Manifest Money?

January 28th, 2011

Dear One, Have you watched “The Secret” on DVD and felt excited  about the possibilities? Then later not see the results you had hoped for?  I know I have tried so many techniques and have not  gotten close to getting the results I had hoped for. I have had stacks of bills and behind on payments, and feeling worse about myself as each day passes. Manifesting money is often an inside job. What I mean by this is that you often need to clear out old, limiting beliefs to make room for the money to come into your life. We have accumulated a lifetime of money memories that may be effecting... Read More

How Are Anger Management Techniques Related to Signs of Depression? Part 1

January 28th, 2011

Hello Dear One, One of the common signs of depression is anger. Melissa usually calls it irritability. She is cranky all the time. She gets angry easily, over little things and latter wonders why she got so angry in the first place. Every little thing seems to bother her and she is quick to anger. She may slam doors or cabinets, she may swear more and she lacks patience. She sees everything in a negative light. She is critical and judgmental. THE FIRST THING TO UNDERSTAND, IS TO UNDERSTAND ANGER ITSELF. Anger is not good or bad. What is important is what you do with it. The bad part of anger... Read More

What is the Cure for Boredom?

January 28th, 2011

Hello Dear One, I hope you do not mind I call you dear One. That is just how I think of you when I am writing, like I am talking to my dear friend. So… what is boredom? Well  the Merriam-Webster Dictionary says ” the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest”. What causes boredom?  The cause can be a number of possibilities. A few possibilities are: 1. You are looking for outside stimulation. You want someone or something to entertain you. You can often get addicted to the high of danger or games or gambling or something else to give you a “high”... Read More

What is Codependency?

January 28th, 2011

Do yo find yourself always focusing on others and no one seems to listen to you? Have you ever been in a room and not find yourself? Or Do you find that when someone asks you what you think…. and you don’t know? Do you notice you pick up on feelings of others? These are a few signs of codependency to answer the question of what is codependency. So what can you do about this? One strategy to do is: 1. Focus on yourself and define you boundary. 2.Imagine a bubble around yourself. I like to imagine that it is like a bubble  that is like” mirror sunglasses” , You can see out... Read More

What Are Some Signs of Stress?

January 28th, 2011

Dear One, Stress is not good for the body, mind and spirit. Do find your mind racing? Do you find your to-do list getting longer and the days shorter? Do you find yourself being irritable or getting angry easily? Do you find your body is tight and it is hard to relax? These are some of the signs of stress. My favorite, portable and quick remedy is to focus breathing slowly and deeply. As you focus on your breathe, your mind will also slow down and your body will begin to relax. This will usually last as long as you can focus on your breathe!! It does give you an opportunity to re-choose what you... Read More

Inspirational Quote

January 28th, 2011

” You, the richest person in the world, have been laboring and struggling endlessly, not understanding that you already possess all that you seek.” THE LOTUS SUTRA Be sure to sign up for the 21 day challenge to the I am  a Gift to the World. Be well, Laura Meehan  Read More